Saturday, July 26, 2008

Catching Smiles...

Elliot has turned from screamer to smiler. He is SO smiley. It's awesome. His evening crying periods are getting shorter, although he still hates to drive in the car (he doesn't mind freeway driving, but all those pesky lights and stop signs and low speed limits with street driving cramp his style.)

He sleeps really well through the night and has graced us with that since he was born, thankfully. He gets up a few times to nurse, but doesn't stay awake. He is a pretty sleepy guy throughout the day too, since he's growing so much. When he's not sleeping or eating he's a total wiggle monster. He does not stop moving. I'm pretty sure he'll be crawling early. I would be surprised if he made it to 5 months without crawling.

He is now a little over 2 months, and is nearing 14 pounds. He is growing at mutant speed! Luckily I just borrowed an exercise video from the library that uses the baby as a weight. I'm going to need it if he keeps growing this fast.

That being said, if you want to buy him clothes don't send anything small. He barely fits any of his 3 month clothes, and is wearing some 6-9 month items. See what I mean by mutant speed?

On to the pictures!! (Catching smiles is pretty tricky so some of these will be weird angles, but what it lacks in photography skills it will make up in cuteness!) Also, remember that you can click the pictures to see a larger version.

Elliot is starting to learn how to blow bubbles.


Todd's girlfriend Heidi made Elliot a cute hat on their drive up from Ft. Bragg.

If this isn't cute I don't know what is:

Here is Todd and Elliot on the 4th of July.

Ben and his Minnesota boys at Lake Quinault, WA, for the 4th.

Here come the smiles!!!!

These are just for adorableness.

Here's half a smile...

He just had to warm up first! Here's a big smile!

Grammy (Peggy) has been babysitting Elliot so I can study for my finals that I missed due to giving birth.

Look at that GIANT BABY!!!!

Elliot doesn't like pacifiers, maybe Tubby will?

He's still a little small for it, but he does like this jumper. He's got the jumping concept down, he just needs more abdominal tone so he can hold him self up better. (Please excuse the hideous floor-the kitchen is the last room on our remodeling list...and it shows!)


Unknown said...

Great pics!! The Buckman looks like he is really enjoying himself. The Benman looks like he still has not quite grasped what has happened, but, hey - I know that feeling! Let's see some pics of Mom. And Happy Anniversary to Ben n Kat! Love, Gramps

Ben and Kat said...

Well, there is that picture of my knee.....