Thursday, September 25, 2008


Elliot is now 4 months old. He's a great baby. I'm so glad we're over that colicky newborn stuff. However, it makes it even harder for me to leave him when I go back to school on Monday.
AND, he's not very good birth control for my friends. :)
At his 4 month checkup he was weighed and measured, and once again he's off the charts. I think they need a new chart for giant babies.
He's 19 pounds, 5 ounces and 27 inches long. Which means we have to get a new carseat. Yay child-rearing expenses!!!

Oh well. You can't expect to get moments like these for free:
From 4 months!

From 4 months!

Rolling over and spitting up do not make a very good combination. It is, however, quite hilarious. Especially with that innocent look on his face!
From 4 months!

From 4 months!

Mama's little monster.
From 4 months!

From 4 months!


Anonymous said...

He is so darling! I love the spit up pics. Just think, in about 20 years, he'll be vomiting on himself for a whole other reason! YAY Parenthood! hahaha I love the devil outfit!

Garcia's said...

I love his smile. I hope I get to snuggle him soon.

Unknown said...

Hi guys,

I check out the blog every few weeks for new additions. He is adorable! And BIG! I especially like how he looks in hats that have animal ears on them.