Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thanks to Gramps (aka Doug Gross) we now have a web cam! I'm using Windows Live Messenger with the email address gingerfishie at hotmail, so hopefully we'll see some of you online.

Here are some new pictures!
This one is Elliot enjoying some delicious new toys on Christmas.

And here he is enjoying some delicious monkeys.

Elliot has learned to climb the stairs. He mastered them in one day. It's CRAZY to see him shoot up the stairs. What happened to my helpless little baby????

Here is Elliot with his cousin Maddie. She is an awesome babysitter!!

This is Elliot's new tooth. Yes, it's a fang. The other one is coming in very soon as well. And I think the two front teeth will not be far behind.

He kind of looks like a monkey here.

He is singing to the fish.

This is Elliot's friend. They were having a great time chewing on each other's shoes and trying to eat each other's heads. Elliot is giving him screaming lessons.
"First I scream!"

"Now you scream!"

This is Elliot's pirate face. I think he's saying "Yaaaarrrg!!"

A bigger boy walked in and the two little guys were fascinated by him!!

That's all for now. He's pretty cute. He'll be walking very soon. He's been pulling himself up and cruising from furniture to furniture for a few weeks and earlier this week he learned how to get down again without falling. It's trickier than it sounds. Letting go and taking those first steps are RIGHT around the corner!!!

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